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The presentation skills course went very well - all of us agree it was one of the best courses (real life) we have taken. Jim is a good teacher / communicator.


Regional Sales Director - Manufacturing

 Division President - Insurance Company

"Thank you so much for our recent coaching sessions. I have already used your message box process twice and working on round 3 this evening. It is a real game changer. I look forward to our next meeting. Thank you"         

CEO - Fortune 50 Financial Institution

"Some of your participants have sought me out to say your training was the best content and delivery in the last 20 years" 

Business Analyst - Fortune 100 Insurance Company

"I wanted to thank you for the most amazing, powerful and useful message delivery and presentation skills workshop ever. It was incredible."



Regional Sales Director - Manufacturing

The presentation skills course went very well - all of us agree it was one of the best courses (real life) we have taken. Jim is a good teacher / communicator.



SVP - Fortune 50 Banking Company

"I want to start by thanking you for one of the most entertaining, educational, and most importantly USEFUL sessions I have ever experienced in my life.  I was a Communications Major in college and have spent years taking courses on Public Speaking and the art of Presentation. However, none of the courses I took provided me with such a simple, organized method for delivering a successful and focused presentation. Not once did I look at my watch, and was sad that we would not be learning more for you tomorrow."     

Senior Managing Director - Capital Markets APAC Region

"Thank you Jim for your time earlier today. It was very helpful, (the most useful training session I have had in 10 years!) and I feel I should have done this much earlier. Much appreciated."

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